Cloneable Course Template

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Want to know your property's market value?

Thinking of selling your house? Your home may be worth more than you think... Hurry up and exploit the current market!

100% free & no commitment

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Living on the South Shore? Get your free valuation now 🚀

Enter YOUR address

Property located đź“Ť

What's your First Name?

And your Last Name?

Where should we send your report?

Your favorite email

(We will never share your info with anyone.)

One more step 🤩

Our users love communicating via SMS and we're quite fond of it too.

Your phone number

(We'll notify you by SMS when your evaluation is ready.)

Your evaluation is
on its way!

Your property Flair expert
Jean-Samuel Vachon

RE/MAX Platine

Your Property Flair Expert will reach out shortly. Check your spam folder just in case!

Wanna talk now?
Call 514-831-1686

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3000+ satisfied homeowners

Stay in the know.
Gain insights in just 30 seconds.


Our service is free.. Because everybody deserves a little freebie once in a while.

No commitment

Sit back and relax. Everyone enjoys being informed, without obligation

Insider info

Be a step ahead with the help of our real estate geeks


Find out how much your home is worth now!

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Additional free resources you get

Property Flair

We provide you with a wide range of tools and technology tailored to your real estate needs. With our free, no-obligation solutions, home owners and real estate enthusiasts can now quickly perform a comparative market analysis on their home using the most recent and comprehensive data available on the market. Give it a try for yourself, we guarantee you'll love it!

Read from others who have used our free tool

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the estimate?

We make sure that the service we provide is impeccable and always as precise as possible. We will reach out to you to verify the information you gave us to confirm the validity of the quote.

Is it all free?

Yes! Filling out the form and getting your quote does not lead to any obligation or fee on your part.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form... How can I reach you?

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed the submit button at the end of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails. Else, just feel free to give us a call at 514-831-1686 and we will gladly tackle the problem to make sure you get your estimate as fast as possible. :)

How accurate is the estimate?

We will send you a comparative analysis including other similar properties on sale or recently sold in the neighbourhood.

More precisely, we'll be able to assist with other factors that may have a positive or negative effect on the property's selling price–site, dimensions, year of construction, condition of the property, number of rooms and their layout, materials used, landscaping, current market characteristics, etc.

Is it really all free?

We generate absolutely no revenues by providing you with our no obligation comparative market analysis on your home and we will never sell and/or share your info with anyone.

How long does it take to receive the evaluation?

All comparative market analysis are prepared by a real human to ensure the quality of the information sent. Please allow approximately 1 business day.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form.

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed the submit button at the end of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails.


Find out how much your home is worth now!

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 Superior Web by  Uroboro
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy

Cloneable Course Template

Want more cloneables? Visit
Clone Now

Want to know your property's market value?

Thinking of selling your house? Your home may be worth more than you think... Hurry up and exploit the current market!

100% free & no commitment

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Living on the South Shore? Get your free valuation now 🚀

ENTREZ Votre adresse

Propriété localisée📍

Quel est votre prénom ?

Et votre nom ?

OĂą devrions-nous envoyer votre rapport?

Votre adresse courriel favorite

Nous ne partagerons jamais vos informations avec quiconque.

Dernière étape 🤩

Nos usagers préfèrent communiquer par SMS, nous aussi ;)

Votre numéro de téléphone

(Nous vous enverrons un SMS quand votre Ă©valuation sera prĂŞte.)

Votre Ă©valuation est en route !

Votre expert Propertyflair
Jean-Samuel Vachon

RE/MAX Platine

Votre expert Propertyflair vous contactera sous peu. VĂ©rifiez votre dossier Spam au cas oĂą !

Vous voulez parler ?
Appeler 514-831-1686

Oops! Impossible de soumettre le formulaire.

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Soyez au fait du marché.
Obtenez l'information rapidement.


Notre service est gratuit... Parce que tout le monde mérite un petit cadeau gratuit de temps en temps

Sans engagement

Toute le monde apprécie de s'informer, sans obligation

Info privilégiée

Ayez une longueur d'avance grâce à l'assistance de nos geeks d'immobilier


Découvrez la valeur de votre propriété dès maintenant.

Commençons ici! →
Let's go!

Ressources supplémentaires gratuites que vous obtenez

Notre mission
Le Proprio Futé

Nous mettons à votre disposition une large gamme d'outils technologiques adaptés à vos besoins immobiliers. Grâce à notre solution gratuite et sans obligation, les propriétaires et passionnés d'immobilier peuvent désormais effectuer rapidement une analyse comparative du marché en utilisant les données complètes les plus récentes relatives à la valeur de leur propriété. Faites-en l'essai vous-même, nous vous garantissons que vous allez adorer !

Découvrez les témoignages d'autres personnes qui ont utilisé notre outil gratuit

Questions fréquentes

How accurate is the estimate?

We make sure that the service we provide is impeccable and always as precise as possible. We will reach out to you to verify the information you gave us to confirm the validity of the quote.

Is it all free?

Yes! Filling out the form and getting your quote does not lead to any obligation or fee on your part.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form... How can I reach you?

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed the submit button at the end of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails. Else, just feel free to give us a call at 514-831-1686 and we will gladly tackle the problem to make sure you get your estimate as fast as possible. :)

Comment déterminez vous la valeur avec précision?

Nous vous ferons parvenir une analyse comparative de marché incluant d'autres propriétés semblables récemment vendues dans le voisinage. Plus précisément, nous pourrons vous informer relativement aux éléments qui peuvent agir positivement ou négativement sur le prix de vente de l'immeuble : le site, les dimensions, l'année de construction, l'état de conservation de l'immeuble, le nombre de pièces et leurs dispositions, les matériaux utilisés, l'aménagement du terrain, les caractéristiques actuelles du marché, etc.

Est-ce vraiment gratuit?

Nous ne générons absolument aucun revenu en vous fournissant votre analyse comparative du marché. Aussi, nous ne vendrons et/ou ne partagerons jamais vos informations avec quiconque.

Combien de temps faut-il pour recevoir l'Ă©valuation?

Toutes les analyses comparatives de marché sont préparées par un véritable humain afin de garantir la qualité des informations transmises. Veuillez prévoir environ 1 jour ouvrable

Je n'ai pas reçu d'email après avoir soumis le formulaire... Comment puis-je vous joindre ?

Si vous n'avez reçu aucune forme de communication de notre part, il est possible que vous n'ayez pas compléter la dernière étape du formulaire. Si vous avez bien soumis le formulaire, nous vous suggérons de regarder dans le dossier des pourriels de vos courriels.


Découvrez la valeur de votre propriété aujourd'hui.

Débutons ici! →
 Web supérieur par Uroboro
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, ctr imm. rés., RE/MAX Platine, agce imm.
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy

Cloneable Course Template

Want more cloneables? Visit
Clone Now

Want to know your property's market value?

Thinking of selling your house? Your home may be worth more than you think... Hurry up and exploit the current market!

100% free & no commitment

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Living on the South Shore? Get your free valuation now 🚀

Enter your email address

Let us know your needs and meansđź“Ť

What's your budget?

And the best timeframe to make a purchase?

How should we address you?

What's your name?

And your last name?

(We will never share your info with anyone.)

Where should we text your access confirmation 🤩

(For confidentiality purpose)

Your phone number

(No obligation, pressure and/or spam, promised!)

Your list is
on its way!

Your property Flair expert
Jean-Samuel Vachon

RE/MAX Platine

Your Property Flair Expert will reach out shortly. Check your spam folder just in case!

Wanna talk now?
Call 514-831-1686

Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

3000+ satisfied homeowners

See foreclosures
& hot deals before other buyers


You want homes...not spam! We promise!

Access To All Homes

Bank foreclosures, estate sales, distressed sales, fixer uppers and any other good opportunities below market value

Continuous Updates

No more wasted time looking at out-dated information or missing out on the best deals


We help local homebuyers find the perfect property

Get my free list→
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Let's go!

What you get with your free property list

Our mission

We provide you with a wide range of tools and technology solutions tailored to your real estate needs. With our free, no-obligation solution, you can now quickly have access to all properties in addition to market reports, statistics and documents related to a listing. Give it a try for yourself, we guarantee you'll love it!

Read from others who have used our free tool

Frequently asked questions

How accurate is the estimate?

We make sure that the service we provide is impeccable and always as precise as possible. We will reach out to you to verify the information you gave us to confirm the validity of the quote.

Is it all free?

Yes! Filling out the form and getting your quote does not lead to any obligation or fee on your part.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form... How can I reach you?

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed the submit button at the end of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails. Else, just feel free to give us a call at 514-831-1686 and we will gladly tackle the problem to make sure you get your estimate as fast as possible. :)

Is the list really going to match my budget?

We make it our main goal to come up with listings that match your budget, no matter the budget.

Is it really all free?

We generate absolutely no revenues by providing you with hotlists of homes and we will never sell and/or share your info with anyone.

How long does it take to receive the list?

On average, people wait about 6 hours before receiving their list. Even though it might take a shorter or longer amount of time, be assured that our team is moving fast to come up with the best list possible to meet your needs.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form... How can I reach you?

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed to complete the last step of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails. Else, just feel free to give us a call at 514-831-1686 and we will gladly tackle the problem to make sure you get your list as fast as possible. :)


We help local homebuyers find the perfect property

Get my free list→
 Superior Web by  Uroboro
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy

Cloneable Course Template

Want more cloneables? Visit
Clone Now

Want to know your property's market value?

Thinking of selling your house? Your home may be worth more than you think... Hurry up and exploit the current market!

100% free & no commitment

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Living on the South Shore? Get your free valuation now 🚀

Entrez votre adresse courriel

Faites-nous part de vos besoins et moyensđź“Ť

Quel-est votre budget?

le meilleur délai pour faire un achat?

Comment doit-on s'adresser Ă  vous ?

Quel-est votre prénom?

Et votre nom de famille?

(Nous ne partagerons jamais vos informations avec qui que ce soit.)

Où devons-nous envoyer votre confirmation d'accès par SMS 🤩

(À des fins de confidentialité)

Votre numéro de cellulaire

(Aucune obligation, pression et/ou spam, promis!)

Votre liste est en chemin !

Votre expert Propertyflair
Jean-Samuel Vachon

RE/MAX Platine

Votre expert Propertyflair vous contactera sous peu. VĂ©rifiez votre dossier Spam au cas oĂą !

Vous voulez parler ?
Appeler 514-831-1686

Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

3000+ satisfied homeowners

Accès aux reprises de finance et bonnes opportunités avant les autres acheteurs


Gratuit... Parce que tout le monde mérite un petit cadeau gratuit de temps à autre

Accès À Toutes Les Propriétés

Reprises de finances, successions, ventes urgentes, maisons à rénover ou toutes autres bonnes opportunités sous la valeur marchande

Mises À Jour Continues

Fini le temps gaspillé à consulter des propriétés qui ne sont plus disponibles


Nous aidons les gens à trouver leur propriété idéale dans le secteur

Obtenir ma liste gratuite →
Let's go!

Ce que vous obtenez avec votre liste gratuite

Notre mission
Le chasseur de propriétés

Nous mettons à votre disposition une large gamme d'outils technologiques adaptés à vos besoins immobiliers. Grâce à notre solution gratuite et sans obligation, les gens à la recherche d'un bien immobilier peuvent désormais accéder à toutes les propriétés en plus de rapports de marché, statistiques et documents relatifs à une inscription. Faites-en l'essai vous-même, nous vous garantissons que vous allez adorer !

Découvrez les témoignages d'autres personnes qui ont utilisé notre outil gratuit

Questions fréquentes

How accurate is the estimate?

We make sure that the service we provide is impeccable and always as precise as possible. We will reach out to you to verify the information you gave us to confirm the validity of the quote.

Is it all free?

Yes! Filling out the form and getting your quote does not lead to any obligation or fee on your part.

I didn't receive any email following submitting the form... How can I reach you?

If you didn't receive any form of communication from us, it might be possible that you missed the submit button at the end of the form. If you did submit the form adequately, we suggest you look at your spam folder in your emails. Else, just feel free to give us a call at 514-831-1686 and we will gladly tackle the problem to make sure you get your estimate as fast as possible. :)

La liste va-t-elle vraiment correspondre Ă  mon budget ?

Oui! notre objectif principal est de vous proposer des propriétés qui correspondent à votre budget, quel qu'il soit.

Est-ce vraiment gratuit?

Nous ne générons absolument aucun revenu en vous fournissant des listes de propriétés et nous ne vendrons et/ou ne partagerons jamais vos informations avec quiconque.

Combien de temps faut-il avant de recevoir la liste ?

En moyenne, les gens attendent environ 6 heures avant de recevoir leur liste. Même si le délai peut être plus court ou plus long, soyez assuré que notre équipe agit rapidement afin de vous fournir la meilleure liste possible pour répondre à vos besoins.

Je n'ai pas reçu d'email après avoir soumis le formulaire... Comment puis-je vous joindre ?

Si vous n'avez reçu aucune forme de communication de notre part, il est possible que vous n'ayez pas complété la dernière étape du formulaire. Si vous avez bien soumis le formulaire, nous vous suggérons de regarder dans le dossier des pourriels de vos courriels.


Nous aidons les gens à trouver leur propriété idéale dans le secteur

Obtenir ma liste gratuite →
 Web supérieur par Uroboro
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, ctr imm. rés, RE/MAX Platine, agce imm.
© Jean-Samuel Vachon, res. r.e. bkr, RE/MAX Platine, r.e. agcy